Friday, October 18, 2013

A visit to SUR

Visited by Amol, MSR Family on Oct 17, 2013

On 4th holiday of Eid, we moved 200km South west of Muscat towards Sur in the Ash-Sharqiya region of Oman. The city is known for being an important destination point for sailors. Today the sea still plays an important part of life in Sur.

We took Bawsher-Al Amerat Road from Said Tamoor Mosque and via quryat reached Sur. The travel time was approx 2.5 hrs including the intermediate breaks.

Al-amerat via new Bawsher Road

Muscat to Sur
We visited Mr. Jamal Al-Alawi in sur, who is my (Amol) colleague in NSA and a local resident. He welcomed us and took us to the landmark light house tower which is very adjacent to his house-

Then Mr. Jamal took us for a sea ride in his personal boat. The water in this area is so clean that you can actually see the bottom. We also managed to see a few turtles much to the delight of Riya and Jamals 2 kids-

Boat Ride

Jamal's adorable kids

Crystal clear water
The other important places one could see in Oman are the new suspension bridge, dhow factory, the watch towers, the forts and the sea beaches.

The new Suspension Bridge in Sur

The Dhow Factory

Watch Tower

A fort in Sur

Lovely clean beach

We took a break at Mr. Jamal's house and he did offer us some refreshments like Omani Kahwa, dates, dry fruits etc. We also got a rare chance of seeing his house and were very much impressed with the interior. Truly Amazing.

We at Jamal's house

Riya with Janah and Abdullah

After all the adventures, walking and driving, it was time to eat and circling round and round the city, we managed to find a decent restaurant. Initially we just wanted to satisfy our hunger but at the end of it, we were just left licking our fingers. The food was very tasty, better than some of the restaurants we have been in Muscat. Someone has rightly said, Expect less and you will get more.

The Restaurant
The Menu

On the way back home, we stopped at a few places. I will let the pictures do the talking from hereon.

Rauts at Cornish, Sur

OLNG Round About

The Sailor Man, Amol

Rauts at Pebble beach, Fins

A tired driver from BEC

Rauts at Sink Hole (Hawiyyat Njam Park)

A tired me

Lessons for the drivers from teens

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