Monday, October 21, 2013

Around Muscat

Visited by Amol, MSR Family on Oct 15, 2013

On second holiday of Eid, we opted to stay in Muscat and decided to visit a few places around. We preferred Muscat Expressway as usual and took the Al Khoud exit.

While driving along, we saw a place which brought an immediate attention. The place was labelled as Global Shopping Center as shown below and with lots of curiosity, we decided to do some Window shopping. 

should say "Coming Soon"

The place was not crowded at all as one would expect from the name, infact there was nothing to see except for a few snack shops and some amusement for children.


It was a big disappointment but we still managed to pose for a few snaps, as a remembrance of our visit.

the Rauts

We were told about a festival just next to the Tulip hotel on the service road from Airport to Ghubra and we decided to visit that place.

It did look colourful from distance. The festival was nothing but the 1st edition of Hala B’Eid — A Festival for Children.The festival boasts a number of programs like  thrilling rides, stage performances , light shows, magic shows, talent shows, quiz competitions and much more.

Hala B'Eid Festival

To enjoy all the rides or games, one has to pay 5RO. Individually each game will cost 2 tokens @ 500bz. Riya had a fanstastic time, needless to say.

Though it was meant for children, we just couldn't stop the child within us from coming out and color a few angry bird cartoons. It is next to impossible to beat or to say even compete with an Artist like Manoj in this field.

Manoj, as serious as ever

from R-L, coloured by Manoj, Mrs. Raut and ......

One can easily make out who is the best performer and who is the worst.

Difference in skills, quite evident

The festival is open untill october 25th. Its worth visiting the place if you have a kid of age 5yrs or above. There are some stage performances as well, worth watching as there is no ticket for that.

Satge from a distance

Friday, October 18, 2013

A visit to SUR

Visited by Amol, MSR Family on Oct 17, 2013

On 4th holiday of Eid, we moved 200km South west of Muscat towards Sur in the Ash-Sharqiya region of Oman. The city is known for being an important destination point for sailors. Today the sea still plays an important part of life in Sur.

We took Bawsher-Al Amerat Road from Said Tamoor Mosque and via quryat reached Sur. The travel time was approx 2.5 hrs including the intermediate breaks.

Al-amerat via new Bawsher Road

Muscat to Sur
We visited Mr. Jamal Al-Alawi in sur, who is my (Amol) colleague in NSA and a local resident. He welcomed us and took us to the landmark light house tower which is very adjacent to his house-

Then Mr. Jamal took us for a sea ride in his personal boat. The water in this area is so clean that you can actually see the bottom. We also managed to see a few turtles much to the delight of Riya and Jamals 2 kids-

Boat Ride

Jamal's adorable kids

Crystal clear water
The other important places one could see in Oman are the new suspension bridge, dhow factory, the watch towers, the forts and the sea beaches.

The new Suspension Bridge in Sur

The Dhow Factory

Watch Tower

A fort in Sur

Lovely clean beach

We took a break at Mr. Jamal's house and he did offer us some refreshments like Omani Kahwa, dates, dry fruits etc. We also got a rare chance of seeing his house and were very much impressed with the interior. Truly Amazing.

We at Jamal's house

Riya with Janah and Abdullah

After all the adventures, walking and driving, it was time to eat and circling round and round the city, we managed to find a decent restaurant. Initially we just wanted to satisfy our hunger but at the end of it, we were just left licking our fingers. The food was very tasty, better than some of the restaurants we have been in Muscat. Someone has rightly said, Expect less and you will get more.

The Restaurant
The Menu

On the way back home, we stopped at a few places. I will let the pictures do the talking from hereon.

Rauts at Cornish, Sur

OLNG Round About

The Sailor Man, Amol

Rauts at Pebble beach, Fins

A tired driver from BEC

Rauts at Sink Hole (Hawiyyat Njam Park)

A tired me

Lessons for the drivers from teens

A visit to Barka Zoo

Visited by Amol & MSR Family on Oct 16, 2013

On the third holiday of Eid, we decided to visit Barka Zoo, about 100Kms from Muscat along the Bathina Coast on Muscat-Dubai Road. We preferred to take Muscat Expressway as there are a lot of sections under construction on road via seeb-mabelah-al khoud-mawalah.

Roadmap to Barka via Muscat Expressway
The zoo is located on the right hand side of the main highway. One should take the service road just after the Barka Round About. There are a couple of landmark buildings that guide you to the exact locations.

Manoj, please Add landmark buildings here

First thing you see just before the zoo is a herd of camels which is quite a striking picture. The ship of Desert-

The ship of Desert
The park is known as Noumen Park and is owned by Ahmed Al-Balushi without any support from the government. The entry fee is RO 1 for the adults and children above 5 years age. The park is open all 7 days a week from 9am-10pm.

With the owner of the Park/Zoo

The park is shelter for a couple of big cats - an African lion and a Bengal tiger with large species of birds and other animals like ponies, gazelles, monkeys, hyenas, snakes, cats and so on.

The Ducks

The "poor" Royal Bengal Tiger

A lazy and tired African Lion

One of the few Ponies in the park

The only Ostrich, so far so good

The Gazelle

Spotted Deer

The dove, symbol of peace

One of the many beautiful parrots the park has

The ever lazy Persian cat

for the reader to identify this animal

Take me out, Please!!!!!!!!!!

Another specie of parrot

Yellow Parrots

Diverse yet United (Something we humans should learn)

Red parrots

The rare specie of pigeon

Parrots again

The rabbits

It is sad to see animals being caged in a very small area specially the big cats. There is hardly any space for movement. The animals are struggling to stay fit in the hot weather with no facility of enough water.

One can definately visit the place atleast once not just for enjoyment but to raise sufficient funds for the owner to enable him to take better care of these animals.

Rauts at Park


From barka, we went to Barka Poultry farm which is on Barka-Nakhal road, right hand side of the first oman oil petrol station.

As usual, Mrs. Raut had brought a nice well parceled up lunch for us and we just loved it before heading back home.